Code of conduct

Our code of conduct has been adopted to clarify the values ​​and principles that govern our relationship with employees, customers, business partners, owners and other stakeholders.


Our code of conduct has been adopted to clarify the values ​​and principles that govern our relationship with employees, customers, business partners, owners and other stakeholders.

We expect our suppliers to fully respect and comply with our Code of Conduct in their relationship with Gluetec. We also expect suppliers’ own operations to comply with a corresponding code, unless this is prevented by laws and regulations governing their operations. Deviations from our Code of Conduct must be promptly disclosed to Gluetec for further assessment and action.

The code is based on internationally agreed rules, mainly the ten principles according to the UN Global Compact. According to these, all companies must maintain a number of basic guidelines concerning human rights, working conditions, the external environment and corruption within the framework they can influence. The code has been adopted by Gluetec AB’s board and can only be revoked or changed by the board.


Fundamental human rights must be respected and applied equally to all employees, regardless of the form of employment. All employees have the right to join legal associations and organizations of their choice and to negotiate their working conditions collectively. We do not accept forms of forced labour, debt slavery, sexual services or human trafficking. We respect children’s right to personal development, education and we do not use child labour.


We believe that people’s differences contribute to an attractive and dynamic workplace. We must offer a workplace where differences are respected and appreciated. Both our employees and customers should feel included. All employees must be treated fairly and without prejudice, regardless of gender, transgender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion or other belief, ethnicity, disability or age.

In a similar way, we treat customers and other stakeholders fairly and without prejudice. No employee shall be subjected to abusive treatment or harassment. Recruitment, personal development efforts and promotion shall take place on the basis of competence, qualification, merits and performance.


A good and safe working environment is important for Gluetec. As an employer, Gluetec has the main responsibility for the work environment and safety in the workplace, which in turn affects the health of our employees. We want to offer a physically, mentally and socially healthy and developing workplace for all employees, and actively work to prevent illness. All employees also have their own work environment responsibility by e.g. follow safety regulations and to point out risks and deficiencies in the work environment to their immediate superior.

Our managers are responsible for the safety of employees and must, in addition to giving instructions and ensuring that these are followed, also create an understanding of the necessary safety measures. Gluetec has zero tolerance for drugs in the workplace, as they can jeopardize the safety, work climate, health and safety of our employees.


Gluetec takes responsibility for reducing our environmental impact, and we are environmentally certified in accordance with ISO 14001. Our environmental impact consists primarily of transport emissions, energy use in premises and certain chemical and waste management. We must meet or exceed current legislation and customer requirements. We will, as far as possible, market and sell goods that have a minor impact on the environment. We report our environmental impact and efforts made within the environmental area.


We must act as a reliable and honest player and live up to our commitments. We only engage in business activities that comply with national laws, international conventions and effective agreements, and that are in accordance with this Code of Conduct. We respect and follow competition rules, environmental legislation, labour market laws and safety requirements as well as other regulations that set the framework for our operations. We believe in long-term business relationships where we, together with our business partners, create added value. We of course follow good accounting practice and all relevant financial and fiscal laws, rules and norms.

Corruption distorts the market, distorts free competition and violates legislation. No form of corruption is tolerated, either directly or indirectly. No employee may, through his position or role in the business, demand, accept or receive personal benefits in the form of gifts, offers or goods from a supplier. No customer may in a similar way be influenced in their purchasing decision regarding our offer. All representation shall be characterized by moderation and judgment so that the parties maintain full credibility, and an independent position vis-à-vis each other.

Procurement must always be carried out responsibly and so that we can ensure reliable and long-term business relationships. We expect our suppliers to comply with national laws and regulations and respect international conventions as well as Gluetec’s business principles. We must always have written agreements, follow up set requirements and act in the event of deviations. Our suppliers must be continuously evaluated according to a well-defined process, which also includes key parts of our Code of Conduct.


Maintaining a good quality of our products and a good service to our customers is a success factor for the company’s continued positive development. As a framework in our quality work, we use our ISO 9001 certified management system. Products and services must be delivered on time, at the right place and at the promised quality, in order to maximize the value and benefit for our customers. We continuously have a dialogue with customers about their needs and we listen to their views. We are flexible and responsive to what they demand and want from us, and we must have effective routines for handling any complaints.


Information must be handled in a secure and efficient manner, and must contribute to creating value for Gluetec, our customers, owners and other stakeholders. Information must be handled securely and in accordance with applicable laws such as GDPR and any agreed customer and supplier requirements. We respect people’s fundamental right to privacy. Personal data must be collected in a correct and legal manner, be relevant for the purpose for which it has been collected and processed with the utmost care.